Tools that allow calculation of indicators and their representation so as to allow a control panel and analysis of the level of service, to help to achieve the objectives defined.


CAFM Features

  • Preparing indicators.
  • Their presentation, comparing them with the objectives, calculating trends, etc.
  • Remarks
    • To define indicators: The indicators must be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-bound. Examples: Orders foreseen Vs. Realised, response time, execution time, room availability, etc...
  • Possibility to receive automatic notifications based on certain results.
  • Automatically sending related presentations.


Financial Justification

  • Directly
    • Automation of preparing reports with direct savings in hourly administration.
  • Indirectly
    • Strategic savings based on response times or employee satisfaction.
    • Lengthening response times may increase savings on certain services.